Should you replace an existing life insurance policy or keep what you have? Today we clear muddy waters surrounding this question and share some key factors that can help you make the best decision.
We don’t usually talk about job reports and confidence levels, but some special things are happening right now. Despite the looming stock market crash from unprecedented highs which has been predicted by several experts, the next few years are likely to be a great time for small business growth, translating to more personal income and savings for middle-class Americans. Consider these facts and how you can improve your position now so you’re ready when opportunity knocks.
Joe Biden says “I no savings account, but I have a great pension and a great salary.” For those of us who don’t have a six figure pension backed by taxpayers, discover how to plan for the future in a way that keeps all the options on the table as long as possible.
The holiday shopping season is here again. Today we explore smart shopping tips (offline & online) integrated with The Perpetual Wealth Code™ to save you time and money.
Discover why 10-pay policies are NOT the best way to build wealth using life insurance. Dr. Tom and John McFie discuss a recent case and how the agent erroneously tried to reason that “the policy loan rate doesn’t matter because you get it all back in the end.”
Being thankful is a powerful way to generate wealth that can never be replaced or taken away from you.
Special guest Layla Vanderslice joins Dr. Tom and John McFie sharing about Diversification. Is it good or bad? Why does Warren Buffet say diversification is for people who don’t know what they’re doing? Are Mutual Funds diversified? Is PWLI diversified? Are there different types of diversification? How does it all pan out in the end…especially if you need Long Term Care?
Do you want to payoff the mortgage on your house or have the money to pay it off? This is an emotional decision as well as a financial one. Listen with an open mind.
Bribery and conflicts of interest are rife in Politics, Media, and Money Management. The recent fiduciary ruling by the Department of Labor seems to be an effort to correct some of the shenanigans, but it slaps good people as well as the bad guys. Listen and discover why the fiduciary rule will end up hurting people with small to average size portfolios. Is this ruling the result of another conflict of interest?
Rich people look for strategies and “loopholes” to avoid and defer taxes all the time. But some strategies only make sense for people with extra money sitting around. Discover how life insurance translates some “big boy” strategies to a practical level for anyone who has the ability to manage money.
Fresh from the 2016 Wealth Summit, this week we share some thoughts as we all get back to the daily routine. Discover what you missed and be sure mark your calendar for the 2017 Wealth Summit.
Gracine joins the show today to share some underwriting rules and an easy way to calculate “Human Life Value”. Discover how to use term life insurance as insurance for permanent life insurance AND income replacement for your family at the same time.
Saving and Investing should never be equated, although they can cooperate together. Discover the proper places for saving and investing with The Perpetual Wealth Code™.
Is it better to Share property, Own property, Or to be a Steward of property? Explore the history of different property control methods, and discover the best model for growing and protecting your wealth.
Tom and John McFie analyze 8 Savings tips from a recent article and share considerations how to make your Savings plan into a Way of Life rather than a strict budget item.
In this Episode Tom and Michele McFie are in the studio together talking about Time, Money and Numbers. Listen in for some life changing ideas, thoughts and encouragement.
A quick update on market conditions and why it is NOT a good time to retire. Market conditions and better longevity mean a reconsideration of withdrawal rates, and a higher probability of the need for Long Term Care. Together let’s review the important points and explore another perspective.
A peek behind the scenes - discover the McFie family’s teamwork at Life Benefits. People often ask us “what do you do in the business?” Of course we wear many hats but here’s a quick look into what we were doing last week.
For busy people: An “Executive summary” on the pros and cons of Tax Qualified Plans, Mutual Funds, Margin Accounts, Bonds, CDs, Real Estate, and Life Insurance in about 30 minutes.
Is the Money Problem a MACRO problem (i.e. government/society level) or a MICRO problem (i.e. individual/family level)? Michele joins Dr. Tom and John McFie to share about Life Lessons and how they apply to money and wealth. We touch on many things…from the caller who said “I should have learned this when I was in 8th grade” to thinking in percent and why the control of money is so empowering.
In this episode Ben and Gracine join the podcast to share some interactions with people at a recent event they were sponsoring, and John shares some must listen podcast episodes from the archives… You don’t want to miss these
Patience is a virtue especially when it comes to making more money and keeping more of what you make. Speculation and “get rich quick” strategies feed on the multitudes who lack patience. Build a guaranteed foundation first…the slow and steady is
Michele joins Dr. Tom and John McFie for this episode to talk about the best time to start using The Perpetual Wealth Code™. Waiting until later is never a recipe for success... it is much better to start from where you are right now and build.
Today’s Podcast is a live teleconference recording of Tom Ziglar talking about Dream Alignment and transitioning from Success to Significance.
Usually we charge for recordings like this, but the message was so good we couldn’t resist sharing it on this Podcast! ENJOY!
Our material is being misconstrued! At least we ought to feel grateful that it is popular right? We do feel honored on that score, but now listen in to find out what’s happening. Please take everything we publish in context and be wary of high pressu