Discover why 10-pay policies are NOT the best way to build wealth using life insurance. Dr. Tom and John McFie discuss a recent case and how the agent erroneously tried to reason that “the policy loan rate doesn’t matter because you get it all back in the end.”
Being thankful is a powerful way to generate wealth that can never be replaced or taken away from you.
Special guest Layla Vanderslice joins Dr. Tom and John McFie sharing about Diversification. Is it good or bad? Why does Warren Buffet say diversification is for people who don’t know what they’re doing? Are Mutual Funds diversified? Is PWLI diversified? Are there different types of diversification? How does it all pan out in the end…especially if you need Long Term Care?
Do you want to payoff the mortgage on your house or have the money to pay it off? This is an emotional decision as well as a financial one. Listen with an open mind.
Bribery and conflicts of interest are rife in Politics, Media, and Money Management. The recent fiduciary ruling by the Department of Labor seems to be an effort to correct some of the shenanigans, but it slaps good people as well as the bad guys. Listen and discover why the fiduciary rule will end up hurting people with small to average size portfolios. Is this ruling the result of another conflict of interest?