The market has plunged rapidly into a black swan, and a black swan is where typical financial planning fails.
Typical financial planning tells you just to keep your money in, and let the market come back up. But many times, the best deals are to be found in times like these. If your money is all tied up, you are going to miss out.
Traditional financial planning starts out by purchasing Whole Life Insurance, which is not tied to the market. When the market is in a time like this, your money is easily accessible to use for any opportunities that may arise.
Sadly, many people who are losing money because of typical financial planning, think it’s too late to start planning traditionally. Heres the good news: It’s not!
When it comes to Whole Life Insurance, there are many “interesting” products and designs. There is an art and a science to designing Whole Life Insurance, not every life insurance agent can design a good policy. We design the best whole life insurance, customized to meet your needs.
Listen now
Also in this episode: My children don’t have steady income, how do I help them start a policy?
Some people have a big win followed by a devastating loss. Sometimes the loss even nullifies the win. Have you seen it? It’s the classic example of winning a battle but losing the war.
In this episode of Your Monday Motivation there’s some good advice about how to keep winning when you win. It’s second hand advice, but it’s good…
The market is a mess. Stocks are down, the Dow is down, the S&P 500 is down. Are you happy with your strategy for financial planning? Or does it feel more like gambling in Las Vegas?
People are being failed by their financial planning strategy, leaving them dependent on Social Security. This is a problem.
You need a foundation that isn’t affected by the latest plunge in the market.
Listen now to find out why it is so critical to have this foundation, and how to get it.
Typical financial planning has failed, leaving many dependent on social security. 401Ks, simple IRAs and other Tax Qualified Plans, are the “golden goose” that can kill you financially if you don’t know and understand the “terms and conditions” of each.
Although it seems like “free money” when your employer is contributing some sort of match, will that “free money” actually cost you in the long run?
In today’s episode, Tom and John talk about some of the consequences that could ensue in the future with these typical systems. Surprises can be nice, but tax implications you didn’t expect to have, aren’t.
Don’t get caught by surprise, understand what’s ahead. Listen Now.
Today on Wealth Talks Michele joins Tom and John… and so does Mr. Higgins! Well, sort of. Poor Mr. Higgins lives in a book and has a clock but cannot tell if it is on time! Mr. Higgins buys another clock only to discover that neither clock displays the same time.
Now Mr. Higgins is in despair! He can’t tell which clock is correct! Is Mr. Higgins doing the same thing with clocks that some people do with life insurance? Listen Now to find out, not only what some people do with life insurance, but also what Mr. Higgins does to fix his problem.
How can you tell if you’re paying more in taxes than you should be? Can section 199A really give businesses a leg up? What about the Secure Act? Is Life Insurance really a good tool to leave a legacy?
Jack Cohen worked as an IRS Auditor for 33 years, In fact, he won the IRS Employee of the Year Award in 2006. Since then, Jack has switched the “black hat” for the “white hat”, helping people pay as little as they legally can in taxes.
Today he joins Tom and John on Wealth Talks to answer questions about section 199A, the Secure Act, and others. Also, he offers to review your tax returns so you can tell if you are losing money.
Don’t miss this Episode: Listen Now.