Making money is one thing, keeping it is quite another! There are many places to keep money, IRA, 401K, 529 plan, etc., but where should you keep yours?
On today’s episode, Tom and John discuss some of the different places you can keep your money. Listen Now!
With the US dollar becoming more inflated, the question arises: Should I buy gold? Silver? What about crypto?
Drawing from history, Tom and John discuss some of the ramifications of monetary policy in this episode of Wealth Talks! Listen in to get their take on the whole gold/silver/crypto question.
A History of Money and Banking – Documentary premier with the McFie family via Zoom on Wed March 23rd.
Email to request the Zoom link.
It wasn’t just the Beatles who talked about money in their song Can’t Buy Me Love. Money is a common thread which is evident throughout all of history and is a frequent subject throughout the Bible.
We are supposed to manage money... not the other way around. Today on Wealth Talks, Tom and John discuss some common problems they see when it comes to money management.
Resources: for Wealth – free download: for Wealth - Paperback:
Constellation is in the process of a deal with Ohio National, a change which would turn Ohio National from a mutual company to a stock held company. How will this change their policies? Should you keep your existing Ohio National policies?
Today on Wealth Talks, Tom and John bring you some important points on what you want to know about Ohio National and the upcoming changes.
What does “paying up” a policy mean? Is it a good thing? What about using a term rider instead? What does FPUA mean?
Listen in as Tom and John answer these questions and discuss some things you’ll want to be aware of if you plan on “paying up” your policy.