Every time you spend money you are making an investment. It’s either a good investment or a bad investment. Do not buy into the idea that investments have to be something rare, exclusive, elusive, exciting or in a land far away. Some of the best investments are right in front of you, if you can’t see them it’s because you look at everything the way most everyone else does.
You can and should become rich and investing is one of your responsibilities with the money that comes under your control
2:14 Is real estate a good investment?
10:13 Should you cosign a student loan?
13:33 Why investing morally is important
15:08 How to set up your finances
18:01 Using policy cash value
26:05 Is oil a good investment?
27:23 Preparing for an investment
Life insurance policy sales and review https://mcfieinsurance.com/
Contact: Team@McFieInsurance.com | 702-660-7000
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There are two kinds of debt, good debt and bad debt. Good debt is debt that gives you a financial advantage; tax benefits, better cash flow and the ability to take advantage of opportunity. Bad debt is debt that costs you opportunity, causes stressful cash flow issues and cripples you financially. In this episode we talk about how to payoff bad debt and how to use good debt to your advantage.
4:19 How to tell if a debt is good or bad
12:38 Snowball Method explained
14:00 The Avalanche Method
16:59 How to set up your finances
19:34 The largest amount of debt John has seen
27:34 Should student loans be paid off?
30:21 Is a mortgage a good debt?
Life insurance policy sales and review McFieInsurance.com
Contact: Team@McfieInsurance.com | 702-660-7000
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The savings rate in the US has been going up a bit recently but it’s still lower than what it should be. Generally speaking, people aren’t saving enough money to have financial peace of mind. But when someone does save money there are a host of decisions to be made on how to keep that money.
In this podcast we talk all things savings, how to save money and where to keep money you have saved.
Life insurance policy sales and review McFieInsurance.com
Contact: Team@mcfieinsurance.com | 702-660-7000
2:51 Where to save your money
6:24 The problem with saving plans
8:45 What to look for in a savings plan
16:25 How to set up your finances
27:00 Why premium financing isn't used much right now
28:31 Earning a 66% return in whole life insurance
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Becoming your own banker, the infinite banking concept, bank on yourself and other financial concepts promote the idea of using the life benefits of life insurance. Many people think life insurance is for when you die, that’s true, but you can also use life insurance while you’re still alive.
There are benefits to using life insurance as a financial tool that you cannot get with any other financial products. But the problem is there is good life insurance and bad life insurance and too many people who want good life insurance wind up getting bad life insurance.
We talk about good life insurance, bad life insurance and how to get a good life insurance policy with cash value so that you can be your own banker.
Life insurance policy sales and review McFieInsurance.com
Contact: Team@mcfieinsurance.com | 702-660-7000
0:00 How to Be Your Own Banker
3:15 History of life insurance
5:38 Types of life insurance
7:09 The two types of life insurance
8:56 The origin of Buy Term, Invest the Difference
11:26 Term life insurance, universal life insurance, indexed universal life insurance (IUL) and whole life insurance
15:00 Reviewing an IUL policy
18:23 How to set up your finances
20:57 How to tell if a life insurance policy is good or bad
22:39 10/90 Infinite banking policy (IBC)
25:11 Guaranteed vs non-guaranteed values
30:13 The difference between cash value and death benefit
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Throughout this year you will get to make financial decisions. If you make good financial decisions you will get ahead faster. In this podcast we will share knowledge that you can use to make good financial decisions.
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2:11 Financial metrics that confuse people
9:44 Ad Break @McFie-Insurance
15:58 The Trick to Kubota's 0% Financing
25:02 Tom & Michele's Camper
Life insurance policy sales and review McFieInsurance.com
Contact: Team@mcfieinsurance.com | 702-660-7000
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